Integrated Management Systems

The number of management systems has risen drastically in the past few years, reflecting the needs and demands of more and more organizations looking to improve their performance across a wide range of areas and sectors. And most companies have more than one. 

An Integrated Management System (IMS) combines all aspects of an organization’s systems, processes and Standards into one smart system. This merger allows a business to streamline its management, save time and increase efficiency by addressing all elements of the management system as a whole.

Benefits of Integration

In an integrated management system, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Successfully integrating your management systems can have a number of very tangible benefits for your organization, including

  • Avoiding duplication of effort
  • Making more effective use of senior management time
  • Using resources to implement and manage systems in a more effective manner
  • Achieving more cost-effective certification
  • Reducing audit fatigue